unlocking the power of true digitization

Leveraging advanced data analytics, A.I., and emerging financial technology, ClearCloser quickly and securely converts traditional mortgages into digitized mortgage assets, creating a living record of a mortgage on an immutable ledger, unlike outdated methods of managing mortgage assets.

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Digitizing Mortgages,
Modernizing the Worlds Largest
Asset Class.

By quickly converting traditional mortgages into digital assets, ClearCloser helps financial institutions reduce their risk and keep up with an ever-changing market.

Navigating the Complex Mortgage Industry

Bringing innovative solutions to an industry that's traditionally slow to evolve.

Mortgages have high risks associated with them and must comply with stringent regulations and operate within a heavily-regulated environment which can be difficult to navigate digitally.

  • Digitizing mortgages requires an immense amount of time and effort as well as thorough understanding of each party’s needs and processes. It’s only natural that some organizations may struggle to make this transition given all the complexities involved.

  • Financial institutions need a partner that can provide the most up-to-date information, financial solutions, and informed guidance needed to succeed.

  • ClearCloser's innovative platform offers a streamlined process for bringing together buyers and sellers of mortgages in a secure and transparent environment.


Originate, underwrite, diligence, and trade mortgage assets - quickly, efficiently, and securely.

From automated origination to post-closing processes, we provide efficient solutions that help increase operational performance and reduce costs.

designed from the ground up to be fast, efficient, and user-friendly

One platform. One experience.

Financial institutions, diligence firms, investors, real estate agents, lenders, investors, brokers, underwriters, appraisers and title companies.

Customized role based portals streamline collaboration by providing real-time updates on every step of the transaction in an easy-to-use mobile interface to provide a frictionless experience.

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Easy to Adopt

1. Intro Call

During our intro call we aim to learn your specific needs. This helps us identify the right combination of tools.

2. Live Demo

We will customize a demo so that you can see how these tools will improve your business operation.

3. Onboarding

Change can be hard. Our implementation training & support will give you the insight and experience for a successful rollout.

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Transform Your Process

Unlock the potential of your assets.

With ClearCloser, you can access your mortgage assets and leverage what matters to you anytime, anywhere, and have peace of mind knowing that your assets are secure and safe. Our digital mortgage platform makes it easier than ever to manage and track your mortgage assets, ensuring that you always have access to the information you need.

State-of-the-art data security protocols.
Automation of repetitive tasks supported by A.I. processing.
Securely store, access, and track your mortgage documents and transactions.
Aggregates, validates, streams, and digitizes underwriting and valuation data in real time.
Automated document management and document signing.
Provides a live view of asset portfolios.

Credit Risk, Underwriting
& Compliance Made Easy

Always Improving, Never Settle. You are the Secured Party.
We offer a new way to lend that can transform traditional lenders into powerful digital asset originators.


Save time and money by eliminating duplication of work, increasing the ROI, and reducing the OpEx. Eliminates tedious tasks through automation. Increased efficiency when closing loans with streamlined digital workflow tools and up-to-date technology for your team.


Dynamic personalized closing conditions. Allows customization at every level of process for your specific needs. Ensures compliance while maintaining ease of use.


Lessen the burden on your team with instant data sourcing, Artificial Intelligence Support, and digital tools. Reduce the time need for manual processing and underwriter review and approval.


ClearCloser is a mobile app for closing loans on the go. Finalize contracts in one day from any device. Transform the closing experience for your team and borrowers.


Track your loan progress through the entire process. Connectivity provides personalized loan experience. Reduce borrower anxiety by providing fast service.


Reduced risk of fraud, missed documents, and discrepancies. No more manual data uploading—everything goes automatically to the right spot.

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